About the cornerstone prayer drive

We believe prayer is vital and powerful and we want the power of God to reach our community. Join Pastor Jeff and Mona for an online gathering to be sent off in your cars to drive around Madras praying for our community. Even though we can't meet together in person, we can be praying and unified at the same time during the prayer drive. Let’s cover our towns businesses, schools, hospital, doctors’ offices, homes, churches, etc. in prayer!

Here’s how it'll work:
1. We will begin with a online gathering, so be ready to chat and say "Hi". 

Pastor Jeff and Mona will be on live stream at https://mcbcfamily.com/live-stream or Facebook Live at https://www.facebook.com/CornerstonebaptistchurchCO at 6pm. 

2. Once live stream/Facebook Live gathering is done, about 15 minutes, everyone will jump in their cars and drive around Madras praying. We have hot spots and suggested prayers for different places around town to give you a guide below. Pray for as little or as long as you would like.

prayer drive guide

HOSPITAL & DOCTOR OFFICES:  Pray God would give our health care workers extra protection during this time.  Thank God for his work through medical professionals.  Pray He would give wisdom in treating patients. Pray for healing of patients at the hospital and Dr. Offices. Ask for protection for the moms who are pregnant or giving birth and for new lives that are being born. 

BUSINESSES & RESTAURANTS: Pray for protection over them as they are still serving our community with food and jobs. Pray our towns businesses would be able to continue to employ their employees. Ask God to bring our communities businesses back to a thriving state when pandemic is over.


SCHOOLS: Pray for the health of the students, teachers, administrators, educational assistants and anyone else that works at our schools or for our school district. Pray that they would have the energy and knowledge as many of them are continuing to teach online and at home. Pray no students would fall behind.  Pray for the Spirit of God to draw all involved in our schools to God.


GROCERY STORES: Thank God for all those who are working at the grocery stores with people in and out all day. Pray once again that God would put protection over them as they are essential to our town.


NURSING & RETIREMENT HOMES: Pray that the Covid-19 Virus won’t touch our nursing homes and retirement homes.  Thank God for those working in those communities.


CHURCHES: Praise God for His life giving presence within The Church in our community.  Pray that churches in our area would be able to show the love of Christ and be able to share the hope that we have during this time.  Ask God for opportunities for the good news to be shared.  Pray for local churches not to lose hope in God.


EMT, POLICE & FIRE STATION: Pray again for protection over out EMT, Police and Fire Fighters as they continue to work, be first responders and continue to protect and help our town. 

Click here to download the guide